Religious Formation
Scoil Bhreac Chluain promotes Gospel values in a Christian learning community, where children can grow in knowledge and understanding and in the acquisition of skills, attitudes and values. We are fully committed to offering excellence in education by: promoting the highest possible achievement for our pupils; encouraging children to
grow within the Catholic faith; establishing the foundations for lifelong learning; welcoming input from parents to complement the skills and experience of our professional teaching staff; ensuring that our school is central to the parish, reaching out to embrace the wider community; uniting all staff, parents and B.O.M. in our aim to be
a leading school in the Diocese of Kerry. Our aim is that all children should leave Scoil Bhreac Chluain with the basic skills of reading, writing and numeracy, an enthusiasm for learning, a thirst for knowledge, an appreciation of their religion and the world they live and, above all, many happy memories.
The pupils in fifth and sixth class receive the Sacrament of Confirmation every second year.
The pupils receive Sacraments of First Penance and First Holy Communion when they are in Second Class.
Parents are asked to follow the Religious Programme from the child’s book, and help with the Religion work when it is sent home.
On certain occasions throughout the school year, the children may participate in prayer services or a class Mass.