Butterflies Fly Away!
- 30/04/2020
- 30/04/2020
Active School
To: Aaron, Abbie, Eoin, Georgia, Lily Kate, Maryanne, Rian and Tom
Saturday was to be your big day,
But now at home we all must stay.
Your Communion Day will be worth the wait,
When all can join us to celebrate.
We’ll be together again to prepare and get set,
Your “Mini Mes” and prayers, don’t forget!
I’m missing you all and thinking of you today,
And will light a candle to shine your way.
Múinteoir Michelle
Easter Chocolate Cake
This is especially for 5th class who should have made it last week in school!RECIPE FOR THE DAY
This tasty recipe uses store cupboard ingredients.
Ingredients for 4 people
450g pasta shapes -quills or rigatoni are good but any will do
50 g butter/margarine
50g plain flour
500ml milk
2 tins tuna fish
150 g frozen sweetcorn-or use a can
150g frozen peas
100g cheese-cheddar is good
Salt and pepper
Optional- 1 small onion, 2 large or 6 cherry tomatoes
For and even tastier dish you could fry a finely chopped onion in the butter/margarine and then add the flour and milk to make the sauce. You could slice large tomatoes or halve cherry tomatoes and put them on top of the dish before you add the grated cheese.